Net Nazis

Bobby Castle aka Robert Hurd

Internet Alias: Bobby Castle
Real Name: Robert hurd
Phone number: (702) 458-7071 extention 2414
Location: Las Vegas, Nevada
Age: 23 years old
                            CONFIRMED NET NAZI!
                                                       Bobby Castle
                       Bobby Castle aka Robert Hurd
     Bobby Castle is one of the biggest frauds to ever grace the internet. This man (i use that term loosely) gives Nazis a bad name. First of all, His real name is Robert Hurd, thats no big deal though, a bunch of people dont use their real name on the internet. Bobby Castle tried playing the adult game but failed miserably. He lets his emotions get the best of him way too often. I've witnessed this first hand. He was having a problem with his junkie, gimp, lesbian, alcoholic gf  cheating on him. Well instead of keeping a problem like that private he chose to make it very public and cry like a baby about it. At the time of this incident Bobby was the head administration on Aryansbook so he had access to all of the Aryansbook members email addresses and decided to send every member of Aryansbook a copy of the facebook chat conversation of his girlfriend (April "honey" koonce) and another guy talking about some very intimate interactions. Any respectable man would keep this private and not try putting on a big show about it. If you ask me...he was trying to turn people on his girlfriend so he could keep his good reputation (at least he thought it was good). After putting up with Bobbys crying and attempts at starting drama some of the Aryansbook administrators had to do something. So they (myself included) went to the Founder of Aryansbook and were granted permission to strip Bobby of his authority. Well, after this happened his crying continued. He even tried to force another administrator to reinstate his authority but thanks to the loyalty of the aryansbook admins he did not get that authority back. At the time he was still a member of Aryansbook although he was at risk of being deleted but then he started to do one of the lowest things a so called man could do. He started flirting with other guys girlfriends to try getting back at them for stripping him of his authority. Now maybe he was just mad, maybe his girlfriends bad drinking habit has taken his life over too...i dont know what the reason for it but he tried getting 2 seperate women to have sex with him. His reason was "My girlfriend has her period and shes depressed in bed, she dont mind me flirting with other girls" Thats not the way an Aryan man acts. For somoene who's reputation means so much he sure didn't do much to protect that reputation. When he started talking to another women he told her he was a member of VSC and the NSM. Well the woman he told this to has friends in those organizations and looked into it and she found out Bobby was full of it. He was never a member of either. He is always complaining about not having enough money to get by but he claims to be donating all this money to a few different organizations. Something doesnt add up. Bobby has never been and my guess is he will never be part of any organizations. He is a true net nazi and nothing more. In my opinion, no organizations would want a man who has tried commiting suicide 2 times.

     The pictures below are screen shots of Bobby flirting with someone elses girlfiend when his girlfriend was "depressed in bed with her period"  accoridng to him, she was there watching all of this and had no problem with it. Some woman she is huh?
                 Bobby flirting with another guys girlfriend                        Bobby flirting with another guys girlfriend 2

      this picture is a screen shot of Bobby whining about his authority being taken away. He was under the impression that some of the admins were mad about having someone else in charge but nothing could be farther from the truth. The real reason he was stripped of his authority was because he was turning Aryansbook into a joke and people weren't taking it seriously. He was giving aryansbook a bad name and the admins who had his authority taken away did not want that to happen.
                     Bobby whining about his authority being taken away

This child is worried about his online reputation more than anything. Thats probably why he has always used names such as "Admin-Enforcer" or "WASP Enforcer". Without his online reputation he is nothing and now even with his online reputation hes still nothing. His own power trip led to him being looked at as an immature child with out of control emotions. He is now Banned from Aryansbook along with his Girlfriend due to the fact that he was logging onto her account. Most likely to try flirting with other women...

Bobby claims to hate Tala De Sade but he cant seem to stop trying to befriend her. The screen shots below are messages he's been sending to Tala. I wonder what Bobbys girlfriend will think about Bobby wanting to be friends with Tala...
Bobby Castle Harassing Tala De Sade
Bobby harassing Tala 2

Bobby harassing Tala 3
Bobby harassing Tala 4
Bobby harassing Tala 5Bobby harassing Tala 6

Bobby has even been soliciting violence on Facebook. In the screen shot below he clearly states that hes looking for someone to "take care" of tala for money. No real man does this kind of stuff. He's obviously still hurt that Tala wants nothing to do with him...Soliciting violence on Facebook

Bobby has even made up a story about someone he knows chasing "Sam Winchester" into his house after this person came to fight Sam. The "Sam" hes talking about would be me and Sam Winchester isnt even my real name so he was caught in another lie. If this story of his was true he would have my real name and my address which he has never mentioned to anyone. Some private investigator he is huh? ...

Another one of Bobby Castles (Robert Hurd) lies...